L I C I A DOES NOT EQUALS L I C H I A !!!!!!!!!!!!
The former is my ex- classmate in high school and one of the members of my crazy gang. The latter is my coursemate. They are NOT THE SAME PERSON! PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE BTWN THE TWO OF THEM!
Smart ppl will notice the lack of a H, plus the space btwn Li and Chia. Licia actually stands for DELICIA, ie the girl in the pic ---------------------------------------------------->
This was taken in TVG 1U while waiting for Siahsiah to arrive. We always seem to have our reunions in Secret Recipe 1u during which we'd update each other about our lives and pursuits as well as the lives of other people which should not concern us but about which we like to kehpoh anyways.
Neways, just to update I was in KL for the past 1 week shopping and celebrating the New Year with Jian and co. Had tons of fun, wasted tons of money, met tons of nice people and learnt how to drive around in KL! [ at least to major shopping centres :P ] Very proud of myself since I drove to midvalley, sunway, 1u and back to Cheras without major scares/accidents/heart attacks other than the ones I gave Guan Hui when I drove faster than 60km/h [ he's an old grandmother when it comes to driving. He had his hand on my handbrake all the time! Had to slap his hand away everytime..]
PLUS I pumped petrol for the 1st time in my life! *applause* Never did it before. Nearly had to ask for help from the station attendant but in the end, I did it al by myself without blowing up my car and the petrol station. When I went to pump petrol for the 2nd time however, the station attendant directed me from the 1st step to the last. I think he didn't believe I'm old enough to be sitting in the passenger seat, let alone drive a car! When I told him I was going to drive back to Ipoh from KL, he shook his head in disbelief. I had to tell him to look at my car's number plate to check that it is a Perak number.
I look so young meh???! -.- ''''
lichia does sound a bit like my name.. but then... hahahhaha..
since u like licia more then i also prefer to be licia *blush* =P
i'm soooo happy this week.. so glad that u're here with me on my birthday.. =) *hugs* love u much much =D
............. i forgot
y u put my ugly pic there.. wanna kena sue ah.. >=(
aiks.. what happened to all my previous comments >.<
opps.. sorry sorry.. i didnt read the words above earlier.. >.<
wah, ur blog security so tight one ah.. need approval for comments @.@
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