My old alma mater has just turned 100! Main Convent of Jalan Chamberlain Hulu, Ipoh (they've changed the name of the road now, I just can't recall it at the moment), next to Ipoh Parade, opposite Sam Tet Ipoh - my famous school!
The 100th birthday of my school was celebrated with big fanfare - performances, speeches, dances, song dedications, food, old girls ( + kids and husbands), young girls ( + boyfriends, friends and scary hair and clothes -will elaborate more later) and lots of pendatang haram like our dear Miss Chua (from Ave Maria Convent - rival school!!!).
Actually, I didn't see much of the performances - my mum told me about it :P . I couldn't wake up early enough! When the girls were performing I was still snoozing away in my comfy bed..( I had good reason ok! It was a rainy morning and everyone knows rainy mornings are the best time to be snuggling in bed with your chao-chao! Just try not to sniff your chao-chao in front of me..kinda geli ok! But that's still better than people who take MY chao-chao and smell T.T).
Delicia, Chyn and I reached my school at about 11 am, parked my car at Parade and walked over. There were throngs of young girls walking around and giggling loudly - made me feel so old! We saw a lot of our old teachers as well, most of whom can't remember who I am until I told them my name and then they would go " OOOOHHHHHHhhh!!! Its you! My goodness, you've changed so much!! "
Miss Kogi : " OOohhh OMega! Wahhh you look so different now! When your mummy brought pictures to school I also couldn't recognize you!! But of course I still remember you! Good student in class how to forget! " --> Om : * Bangga- bangga ;D *
Mrs Chan : " Let me remember your name...I got it....O...Omega!" --> Om : T.T so hard to remember meh...last time you always pick on me in class wan...I still remember you forced me to print out my poem to put on the notice board! So memalu-fying-kan!!!!
Mrs Ho Kam Kee : " Hello girls! Good to see you all back in school! Keep in touch ok? " --> Very the obvious she doesn't remember who I am lor! bUT I bet if i told her my name she would remember me... :P
Puan Mahani : " Omega! Nice to see you back! You're studying medicine in Australia right? "
Om : Puan Mahani! You're still as cute as ever! I still remember during your Bio classes about 90% of the students in 5 Lily will sit down on the floor of the lab, hidden by the high tables to chat and gossip. Some even fell asleep! ( I shall not name names - sometimes some girls sleep so soundly they'll drool! ) Kekeke...even the prefects do it ( naughty prefects like me!! ;P)
Cik Rodziah : " Omega! Do you still remember cikgu? How are you? "
Om : I'm so touch-ed that you remember me! I'm so sorry now that all of us naughty fifth- formers used to call you Cik Godzilla behind your back! ( Rodziah, Godzilla - don't the two words sound alike??)
As we walked around the school, memories of funny stories and crazy stunts that we did came flooding back. Our every sentence would start with " Do you remember the time...?"followed by crazy, maniacal laughter. Delicia reminded me of my 'devilish' role in our gang - "dai guai tao" - the ringleader for all things naughty and crazy.
She reminded me of the time I taught her how to eat in class in such a way so as not to get caught and about the time we saw a flasher in Lorong Po while cooking chicken curry during Home Economics. I, in turn reminded her of her 'hao po' antics everytime she sees a mirror. When she's out of class she'll preen in front of the large mirrors and when she's sitting at her desk she'll take out her pocket mirror to check her reflection. Ultimate 'hao po' I tell u!
Licia, do you remember when we laughed at you and Kean Fatt?? Do you remember the times we laugh at teachers behind their backs? ( Mr Chen- " Angkutup Verinier! Snookerling!", "Cik Godzilla!"). Do you remember the time in Form Two when you mistook a condom as the short form of condominium? Do you remember the time I told you Puan Camelia's son Eric (he was 5 years old at the time) was my boyfriend and you believed me?
Shake, do you remember when Mr Chen liked to pick on the both of us whenever we played in class? When we 'demonstrated' the use of fibre optics by sticking it into your tummy... And when he liked to mistake you for Siah and vice versa? And about all the times we stressed about percubaan marks...and laughing like crazy at Choon May..and all the times I kacau-ed you about the amazing number of times you need to visit the toilet even though you drink very little water?
Jilly-boo do you remember the times we sang silly songs in class and then laughed loudly? DO you remember my irritating habit of singing "ABCD" and never continue-ing to E? Do you remember gossiping about other people, guys in particular and poking fun at them?? Do you remember passing letters for Zhuan Keet and me? DO you remember all the 'bear-bear' jokes, especially the one about the polar bear?
Vonnie do you remember always singing with me in class? And all the times we've bullied poor Siah siah for her being so tiny and slightly vertically-challenged. And Amy do you remember drawing on every table we sat on? And all the 'Constipation Messages' you helped me make when I was stressed out during PMR?
This is turning out to be a SUPER long I shall stop here and post up some cam-whoring pics I took in school today! *view from top*
<--*lower hall benches*
*cam-whoring in front of mirror* ------->
* Form 3 Corridor*
* Main Corridor*
* 5 Lily Classroom*
P/s : Forgot to write about the 'scary youngsters'! Anyways, in brief their clothing, hairstyle and manner in general scares me! We didn't used to be like that when we were in secondary school.. :S
w00t your school looks so nice, doesnt look like a school though... You probably didnt get to use dirty toilets and vandalised furniture... I pity you for such an incomplete schooling experience...
OMG word verification is stupid... i always get it wrong...
Haha..I just didn't post up the disgusting toilet pics! And who sez ALL the tables and chairs in my school are nice? U should come and see the condition we used to study in! But all in all my school is actually quite nice..
My schooling is extremely complete, thank you very much! I even had the privilage of having special effects thrown in, such as broken window panes, noise from traffic and once 'snow' from Parade's car wash next door floating down on us poor students having our recess at the volleyball court!
hahaha.. it was only nice for ONE day.. FIRST time in my life man XD
ah, so nostalgic *dreamy eyes*
wat happened to our tree pics >.<
Ave Maria Convent ROCKS.
Produces excellent people like ME~!
dunneed's like..urhm..a fact~ (note: uses bimbotic voice)
(note: does not usu generate bimbotic voice but started under omega's influence)
HAhaha..chyn..u put anonymous but U forgot u're using blogspot as u're signed in...and so ur name comes out! ahhaha
Now everyone noes Ave Maria Convent produces people like Ah Ma Chong Chyn here..ahhahaha
i remember i always irritate your nose..hehe..then we always fight bout hayden & tobey coz we cannot agree who is more lengchai..haha...damn miss those times.. and your pic is wrong ok!! it's not 5 lily classroom, it's f3 block!! terrible.. hehehe...
Yaya! I still think Hayden least he doesn't have skin the colour of dead fish!
I labelled the pictures correctly! Then when I posted it up it went awry...not my fault!
Miss u Jill-jill!!!
hah! at least got my name der.... for a while der i tot u forgot bout me adi.... sob sob....
go back skool also neva call me!?!
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