Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Things I've Learnt

When I was one,

I learnt that I was the centre of the universe

By the time I was four,

I learnt that my position as centre of the universe has been usurped by my brother

By the time I was five,

I learnt that raw chinese sausages do not taste nice

By the time I was seven,

I learnt that other little girls may not be as nice as they seem

By the time I was eight,

I learnt that I hated my brother

By the time I was ten,

I learnt that a brother was a handy thing to have around when you needed an ally against your sister

By the time I was eleven,

I learnt how much it hurts to have your forehead split open

By the time I was twelve,

I learnt how scary it is to have someone stalking you from your neighbour's balcony

By the time I was thirteen,

I learnt how terrible it is not to have your period when everyone else has

By the time I was fourteen,

I learnt how terrible it is to have your period

By the time I was sixteen,

I learnt that I am capable of excluding everything else except my studies

By the time I was eighteen,

I learnt that I could speak Mandarin

By the time I was twenty,

I learnt that leaving home is agony

By the time I was twenty- one,

I learnt that I wanted more

By the time I was twenty-two,

I learnt that I'm still learning, and would still be learning for the rest of my life


Gabriel said...

is this on your true account?

hjjlai said...

ha ha.. well written!
you must have been a smart kid.
I was only concerned about eating as much food as possible till I was like 5.. :p

o-mii-gaa said...

HAhaha..seriously?? HOw big were you as a kid??

And I was a greedy pig when I was small..explains the raw chinese sausage thing..

isaac said...

haha.. omega.. greedy greedy.. =P

anyway, that was a reflection really nicely thought out and written..

hjjlai said...

LOL. I wasn't a BIG kid per se.. I think I was just a greedy kid. But most kids are greedy anyway, holding food in both hands for example. heh heh

o-mii-gaa said...

Haha..being greedy was great fun..till i grew out of it and my bro took over the title..he kept stealing food from me.. :(