Anyways, just for a quick update, I went to KL to meet friends, shop, shop and shop and I came back broke and fat! Increased weight by 1 kg! Hehe..its an achievement ok! Very broke now...anyone wants to supply me $$?? Hehe..someone kind and generous enough to 'supp' me a credit card..*blink blink*
Activities in KL:
1) Went to sing K at RedBox Pyramid -prices really affordable for early birds during weekdays! The price for 3 hrs includes lunch : main dish + a drink + dessert. Even though the food leaves a lot to be desired, lunch for that price is hard to beat! Throw in a private room with songs and 2 mikes ---> Money well spent!
2. Ice- skating in Pyramid Ice
I haven't skated like in 10 thousand years! At first I was wobbly and scared like your average beginner, then as I gained my balance and more confidence I started zooming around on the ice! So it is true what people say about skating being like cycling and driving : once you've mastered it you won't forget how to do it. It was Guan Hui's 1st time on the ice! He fell down a few times but he's not bad for a beginner. Started zooming around rather fast though it must be admitted it was a wobbly kind of zoom :P Delicia skated around without holding on to the sides but she fell once - smack on her bottom! After skating she and Guan Hui walked around with wet bottoms.. :D Both oso very funny!

3. Got stuck in traffic
KL traffic sucks- its JAM ALL THE WAY!!! EVERYDAY!!!! There's nothing to do in the car when you're stuck in a traffic jam other than to CAMWHORE!! Muaahhaha..Increased my collection of 'self-portraits' by quite a bit all thanks to KL traffic. Therefore, everyone shall not comment on my extreme vanity as shown by my tendency to take pics of myself wherever I am.
4. Witnessed the coming together of 2 cute friends.
I'm not allowed to comment, but I can't help it! Congratulations to both of you! I really think you two are made for each other. Same personality, same likes and dislikes, plenty of conversation fodder - what more can I say? Just continue to work on this and good things will come of it! *hugs* So as the great matchmaker, when can I get my dinner treat?? I wanna go Flower Drum! *cheeky grin* Fingers itching to post your pictures up but I know I'll end up getting my head bashed in so for point number 4 there are no accompanying pictures. :)
5. Read many reports about the floods in Johor
I am very sorry to read about the continuous flooding in Johor and about the diseases that has started to spread due to the unhygienic after-flood conditions. Lets all hope that the floods will recede soon and that everything will go back to normal. I would like to help more other than the giving of funds but I don't really know what else can I do. :(
The floods and the landslides are also the reason for my dad's refusal to allow me to go on a trip to Singapore ( sorry everyone for disappointing! I know Gabbie definitely misses me..*grin* very sorry for not being able to come! ) I wanted to go on a trip with Chyn to meet up with my friends and her friends, to check out Singapore hunks (someone told me there aren't any hunks in Sg..true?false?), shop shop shop shop and EAT! *Sigh* Maybe the next time I return to Malaysia.
So sorry for the boring post..I really can't think of anything interesting and funny to write about! I'm not Kenny Sia you know...I kinda wish I was though...then I can get lots of money from endorsement deals and advertisements! :) So..does anyone wants to advertise with me??
anyways, u PRAISED me......plain cute!! *bangga*
*penguin dance*
check ur email ;)
sent some pics over
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