Vin Li the spastic kangaroo, Omega the hyperactive hamster and Weng Jian the agricultural expert.
SO here's a dedication for you - very hard to get wan ok! - to one of the bestest friend ever (hehe..u're no longer a friend..status elevated to CHI MUI dee! feeling very honoured now lehhh.....)
I first met you during the Central Aus trip - shy, quiet and unassuming little me (bwhahahhaha..), searching for my 'peanut' on the bus with crazy Ah Ma. Didn't really knew of your existence at that time :P but got to know you better in the desert park together with Kheng. That was when Ah Ma gave you the grand title of 'Agriculture' which stuck for quite some time after the trip, after which 'Jian' prevailed and "Agriculture' was relegated to the ranks of 'jokes during the trip'. I remember the time we went to stargaze and ended up gossiping about some orang ganjil. I remember the other orang ganjil who gave life to the phrase ' Seko'. I remember the cool way Kheng and you hung your torch. Remember watching Brokeback on the bus? You nearly vomited all over me :S
Thank you for all the times you endured my complaints about various persons. Thank you for all the times you accompanied me when I was bored/ sad/ upset / worried. Thank you for being there when I needed a friend. Thank you for not being upset with me when there were so many rumours, not all nice, about the two of us. Thank you for being patient with me when I was in my most irritating mode. Thank you for coming to my rescue, 1st concerning the housing thing, then about the housemate thing. Thank you for all the times you've belanja-ed me. Thank you for teman-ing me in my housewifey mood - the time when we went crazy in Ikea. Thank you for calling me up just to chat - its nice to know that someone cares, and that someone finds me interesting enough to want to talk to me. Thank you for boosting my confidence when I had none. Thank you for accompanying me when I was bored and wanted to merayau sekitar Melbourne. Thank you for lending me your iPod when my mp4 couldn't work. Thank you for the time we dug cake. Thank you for walking me home everytime. Thank you for Krispy Kreme doughnuts (yum!!!). Thank you for letting me bully you. Thank you for letting me poke you.
So here's a toast, to Weng Jian, one of the nicest people you can ever meet on the street. Congratulations on reaching such a ripe old age ( old dee...nyek nyek.. cannot say I'm old liao), congratulations on meeting your meow-meow ( even though the hair game says you'll become attached when you're 22. Does this mean the game is not accurate? Darn..I'm gonna be an old maid all my life!!!! T.T), congratulations on securing such an entertaining housemate - ME! :P
And here's to a long and enduring friendship! ( if you haven't gotten sick of me before the year ends, that is..)
P/s: NO THANKS to you for bullying me and pinching my cheeks! I still want revenge on that!!!! *grrr*
P/ss: Long live Hamsterdam!! hahaha..don't forget we have a hierarchy system at home.. :P
P/sss: Feeling touch-ed yet??? Starting to cry dee not?? *hands Jian a tissue* So when are you buying me the CRV you've promised me???
Wah Omega, Jian got like u say until so good or not o :P
kekeke, Jian, see ppl praise u until so nice :D
Jian, i oso want CRV :D
Yalar..he a bit the useless wan...the post so the blardy touching oso never see the CRV yet...cheh..waste my time only..Hahahaha..
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