Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Isaac: " Your previous post..about the two young men staring at you..I got no comment!"

Me: "Hey!"

Me: " Wait a minute..did you get what I meant by that?"

Isaac: "Huh? What? No.."

Me: " -_-||||||"

Isaac: " Ohhh you mean the two babies!"

Me: " -_-||||"

Me: " You mean to say you didn't get my joke until just now????"

Me: " OH gosh I need to clarify this!"

Isaac: " That explains it! Otherwise I was thinking how come two guys would be staring at you!"

Me: " *BAsh Meester eesak!*

SO for all you BLUR people out there, NO I'm not bragging bout two guys staring at me. I'm talking about BABY ZACH and UNKNOWN VARIABLE aka Excited Baby!!!

-_-||||| Major Sweat!!!!!!

I might be perasan but I where got so perasannn!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha....I got what you meant the first time. Hmmm...does that mean I also find it unbelievable that two young men would be staring at you?

*covers head protectively*

Just kidding. :)