The day started out innocuously as August, Amy, Guan Hui and I met in KLCC just to hang out. After lunch we wandered around aimlessly before deciding to go to Haagen Dazs for my ice-cream!! We had some fondue-thingy but I couldn't eat much because my wisdom teeth were hurting :( ( SOooo sad..whenever I have something nice to eat I can't enjoy it...)
After Haagen Dazs we headed for the cinema to watch Blood Diamond ( walao it was 4th row from the front leh..neck pain!). Normally I would steer clear of Leonardo's films but there wasn't anything else to watch and no way would you get me to watch some brainless and pointless horror flick, sooo.....Leonardo it was.

Surprisingly, the movie was really good! And for ONCE Leo looked good! ( Very 'man'...with the stubble and the gruff manner). His acting wasn't too bad either...Some parts of the movie were really touching, especially the part where the father persisted in looking for his son no matter the odds. It was really heart-wrenching to see the poor villagers being tortured and killed, not only by the rebels but also by government soldiers.
This is one movie that ALL guys would like to show their girlfriends because it puts people off buying diamonds after seeing all the blood spilled for a tiny sparkly stone. Frankly, diamonds are expensive because of the hoarding done by the diamond trading companies in an effort to make the stone rare - reduce supply, increase demand --> extremely high prices! (muahaha..i still remember my economics!)
The thing is, in my opinion, girls don't really necessarily want diamonds just because the gem looks good. Sometimes it's more like the girl wishes to test her guy's sincerity and love for her. It sounds very materialistic, and yes it's true, love can't be measured in monetary terms. If you say that that's no way to show a girl your love, then give me an alternative method and I'll tell you if it works. And sometimes, just for once, girls just wanna show off *cheeky grin*.
After the show Amy left for home and we hung around summore debating on what to eat for dinner ( don't you think it's very tiring hanging around aimlessly? Wonder why some people like to lepak so much...not to say I'm very hardworking! :D) and Guan Hui came up with the best idea he's had in a loooooong time : to go Bukit Bintang for dinner!
And sooo we hopped into a cab ( RM10 --> cut throat price considering the distance is so short) and got down at Lot 10. Then we resumed our aimless walking as none of us have any idea what to eat. While we were wandering outside Lot 10 we suddenly caught sight of an event happening at Sungei Wang just across the road. There were throngs of people jamming up the whole area (and adding to global warming, may I add) and tons of blue helium-filled balloons. Being the kiasu Malaysians that we were, we decided to cross the road and join in the festivities.
To our surprise, it was a promotion event by Celcom for Lee Hom's upcoming concert on March the 3rd! At first we thought it was just a promo without Lee Hom. Imagine our surprise and excitement when we heard the Lee Hom was due to arrive in a few minutes! August and I were so excited that we were louder than usual ( yes yes I know it's hard to imagine me being louder than I already am but hey! It's Lee Hom!) You can't blame me for screaming like a maniac, which I did when he finally emerged from behind the balloon-filled stage after 15- 20 minutes of being jostled, and jostling people in the crowd.
Our position wasn't exactly the best place as there were speakers in our line of vision but we still managed to get some pictures of him. He sang like 2 songs but my camera was out of memory space and so I couldn't record his entire performance. He's SOOOOOO cute in person!!! *swoon*
All I can say is : Thank goodness for high tech digital cameras with digital zoom! ^_^
P/s : Anyone wants to sponsor me tickets to Lee Hom's concert on March the 3rd? You need to throw in a two-way plane tix MEL-KUL too!! I'll let you off buying me a CRV if you'd sponsor me.....good deal right? *grins*
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